Thursday, April 15, 2010


The second week of our 2-weeks of holiday madness with our teens was great. We hosted workshops in public speaking, study skills, job interview skills, and ended with a speech contest. The 40 students started the speech workshop terrified to speak in front of others, but throughout the week and after lots of practicals we had 11 students compete in our speech competition. I was SO impressed at the variety of their "influential topics" and how well-prepared they were. The 6 winners will travel around with Cassie Carstens and a Brazilian soccer team as they talk to the local high schools here. Here is a picture of me speaking about speaking...
On the first day of our workshops after the public speaking portion we partnered with a group called Shout it Now who do HIV counselling and testing. They brought to our centre 50 laptops and showed the teens an interactive "MTV-style" interactive video about testing. It was a great programme and we hope to partner with them again in the future.

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