Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Garden

I was reminded of Proverbs 31:16-17 recently. It says,"a wife of noble character... goes to inspect a field and buys it. With her earnings, she plants a vineyard. She is energetic and strong, a hard worker..." Now, I am not claiming to be that cool, but I did get a small bit of money last weekend that I invested into the soil. Our office had a small yard sale bazaar where we could sell things to the community and cheap rates. I decided to help work the bazaar and ended up earning R70 (which is about $10.) I then took that money and went to the nursery where I bought tomato, green bean, eggplant, strawberry, spinach, basil, coriander, thyme, and parsley plants. We have a small plot of land in the back yard of our apartment, and I was SO excited to take a stab at growing the food that we will need for nourishment. Food is getting very expensive and more and more nutritionally deprived due to the shipping of vegetables. Therefore, I am very excited to try to grow our own plants that will keep Neal and I healthy this year. Look out proverbs 31 woman... here I come!

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