Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Knee operation

On September 26th, the day after my birthday, I was walking to our afternoon session at the Hats and Glasses camp. Out of nowhere, I got a searing pain in my right knee. I tried to walk it off, but nothing seemed to help. For weeks after we were back from the camp, the pain had remained. The orthopedic specialist that I needed to see my knee would have cost more than we had, and so we prayed that God would either 1. heal the knee on the spot 2. provide money for the doctor, or 3. provide us with a free doctor. God is so faithful always and He chose to provide for me by providing a free doctor. An orthopedic specialist agreed to see me for free and confirmed that the knee needed surgery to repair it. The arthoscopy surgery went very well and now 5 weeks later, I am walking and praising God!


  1. PRAISE GOD...sis Cindy...our God is awasome and amazing..God brought smil at me, to see you walking with you both feet at the kuyas camp...may He continue give you strenght..
