Friday, February 5, 2010

Opening Learning Centre

This past Monday, Feb 1, we finally opened our learning centre classes for the year. Up to this point, we have been marketing and recruiting new tutors. Then we had to have orientation trainings, and coordinate their schedules and transportation. It has been an admin nightmare, but with good results in the end. This week we have already signed on 45 tutors, and have helped over 200 students in grades preschool- grade 10. The students seem eager to learn and our partnership with the schools has never been stronger. We are so grateful to God for the doors that He is opening! Yesterday we had our grade 8-10 math classes and we were short of teachers. A group of grade 11 students also came for help, so we were spread very thin. I don't usually tutor math, due to my terrible math skills, but I gave grade 9 math a try and we ended up having a fun and educational class for us all.

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