Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tahoe in the New Year

On New Years Day, Neal, my mom and I headed up the mountain for a trip to Lake Tahoe. My mom used her timeshare to treat Neal and I to 4 fantastic days in a condo in the Tahoe snow. Our trip included some fantastic R&R, sledding, snow shoeing, Neal and my mom skiied and I got an hour massage (still have bad knee). This 4 days with mom was such a special gift for Neal and I. It's memories that we will remember forever.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Neal and I loved being able to see my family for Christmas. For Neal, it was his first Christmas in Winter, and his first look at the "American Christmas." On Christmas eve we enjoyed time with Dad and Sharon, my Grandma and Grandpa Nixon, as well as with my Uncle Mike and his wife Cindy. Then on Christmas Day it was loads of fun at My Dad and step-mom Sharon's house with all of their side of the family over. Christmas part 3 was with my mom, and her side of the family. We met with my Grandma, aunts Judy and Sandy, Mom, and a second Cousin Maureen. It was a nice quiet christmas with family at home.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm an auntie!!!

On October 17th my only sister Jessica brought the most adorable baby boy into the world. Our family has been so excited to welcome baby Charlie as the newest member. Neal and I had the privileged opportunity of going to visit Jessica and her husband Paul on December 14th at their home in Madison, Wisconsin where we got to meet Charlie for the first time. I loved every minute of our snuggle time!

Nana and Lusi

On December 12th Neal and I had the privledge of visiting Nana and Lusi and their new family the Taylors in Canton, Ohio. Nana and Lusi lived with me and Katie in the months preceeding Neal and my wedding. After much prayer and tested faith, God came through in such a BIG way. He provided the girls with a safe loving home with the Taylors in Ohio. After a year the girls are more beautiful than ever. It was wonderful to see how confident and responsible they have become. We love you Nana and Lusi!

Kuyasa Summer Camp

Our annual Kuyasa Summer camp was an awesome week. The camp was full with 18 youth leaders, 80 teen campers, and 3 staff. I was so amazed to see how God used the youth leaders to minister to the campers. In addition to a fun time had by all, many campers made first time commitments to follow the Lord, and most of the others made recommitments to strengthen their faith. Our God is SO GOOD!