Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Kuyasa

At the Learning Centre, I write the curriculum for our Preschool- Grade 4 students. Each week we have a different theme to liven up the math and English lessons. This past week I decided to have a fun theme... Happy Birthday! Many of our students have never celebrated a birthday, so the thought of a big Kuyasa birthday party was just too exciting. I told the kids that it was Kuyasa's birthday, so they went around all day singing "Happy Birthday Kuyasa!" I brought each class a cake to decorate, and that must have made their whole month. We had double the students that we have normally, and if the were loud all we had to do was mention the cake, and the room turned instantly quiet. It was really a fun and funny day!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our First Anniversary

I am excited to report that Neal and I have just celebrated our 1st Anniversary last Sunday! Things have been so busy lately that we loved our 4 day vacation camping in the Bainskloof Mountains. For 4 whole days no one called for sisCindy, which is a big improvement from the 1000 times a day I hear it now! Our camping site was just an hour drive from where we live, and we got to try out our new tent (that we got for free!) We call ourselves "Team de Beer," cheesy I know, but thats who we are. Unfortunately we were too busy doing nothing at all that we didn't take any pictures. :o)

My Frist Blog ever!

Well, it seems that the world has gone Blogging crazy, and I figured that although I fall behind in new music, and new here in South Africa, I can stay on top of things in a blog. I hope that you all will enjoy walking with me on all my crazy adventures.